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Set for capillary control KLEVER

Set for capillary control KLEVERSet for capillary control KLEVER
Price level:
Code: 33010
4 248 руб.
4 248 руб.
2 124 руб. from 4 pcs.
2 124 руб.
delivery time to 10 days

A set of consumable aerosol materials for color capillary control KLEVER includes a developer, a cleaner and a penetrant in 500 ml aerosol cans.

The KLEVER kit is designed for visual detection of surface and through defects such as material discontinuities (cracks, sunsets, hairlines, pores, lack of fusion of welded joints, etc.) from 0.5 microns in various industries.

It consists of 3 sequentially used components: cleaner, penetrant, developer. The application process is standard:

Step 1. Applying a liquid red penetrant that penetrates into surface defects.

Step 2. Removal of excess penetrant from the surface of the test object with a cleaner.

Step 3. Application of a developer containing a white pigment substance, which contributes to the "pulling" of the Penetrant from the defects and at the same time serves to increase the contrast.

Corresponds to the first class of sensitivity and meets the requirements of standards: GOST 18442-80, EN ISO 3452-2, ASME V Art.6, ASTM E 165, ASM 2644.

KLEVER colored penetrants are a Russian alternative to expensive imported aerosols and are produced entirely from high-quality domestic materials.

Package includes
  • KLEVER PC - red penetrant (aerosol, 500 ml);
  • KLEVER DP - developer (aerosol, 500 ml);
  • KLEVER KL - surface cleaner (aerosol, 500 ml).
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