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UVG5 2.0 - UV LED headlight

UVG5 2.0UVG5 2.0
Price level:
Code: L130
288 272 руб.
delivery time from 40 to 60 days
Code: L131
288 272 руб.
delivery time from 40 to 60 days
Code: L128
288 272 руб.
delivery time from 40 to 60 days
Code: L129
288 272 руб.
delivery time from 40 to 60 days
Code: L127
288 272 руб.
delivery time from 40 to 60 days

UVG5 2.0 UV LED headlight is a compact and adjustable light that frees your hands during inspections, especially useful during yoke inspections or mag bench inspections. It is equipped with a white light block filter that is not affected by solarization. It is IP68 waterproof and is penetrant resistant.

UVG5 2.0 is the most durable UV LED headlight in the world. The beam profile is the largest and smoothest than any other UV headlight on the market today. Depending on the model, the beam diameter is 3-5 inches (8-12 cm) and with intensities that vary from ≈ 4 000 to 80 000 μW/cm2!

UVG5 2.0 Spotlight, Midlight and Floodlight have been tested to comply with both ASTM E3022-18 and ISO 3059-12 standards. The UVG5 2.0 Floodlight also complies with Rolls-Royce RRES 90061 and Airbus AITM6-1001. This is the first UV-A headlight that complies with Rolls-Royce RRES 90061.

The Spotlight, Midlight and Floodlight generate intensities of approximately 80 000 μW/cm2, 9 000 μW/cm2 and 4 000 μW/cm2 at 38 cm (15 inches), respectively. The battery running time is approximately 8 hours for the Spotlight and Floodlight and 14 hours for the Midlight.

It also comes with a white light, (a) a strong "search" white light for use in dark and tight spaces such as pipes and tanks which can run 5 hours continuously and generate 1 200 fc (12000 lux) and (b) a visual inspection white light which can run 19 hours continuously and generate 200 fc (2000 lux).

One new feature is that the battery indicator is acoustic. The number of beats indicates the battery running time remaining. Batteries can be recharged either by a cigarette outlet in a vehicle, a wall outlet or a PSU charger (without removing the batteries).

Part Number Model Name White Light UV Intensity Beam Size Tested to compy with
L127 UVG5 2.0 Spotlight YES 80 000 μW/cm2 3 inches ASTM E3022-2018
L128 UVG5 2.0 Midlight YES 9 000 μW/cm2 3.8 inches
L129 UVG5 2.0 Midlight NO 9 000 μW/cm2 3.8 inches
L130 UVG5 2.0 Floodlight YES 4 000 μW/cm2 4.8 inches ASTM E3022-18
L131 UVG5 2.0 Floodlight NO 4 000 μW/cm2 4.8 inches
Distinctive features
  • Battery run time is 8 hours on the Floodlight and Spotlight models and 14 hours on the Midlight models. It comes with an acoustic battery indicator that signals the battery time left. All models can be re-charged fully, within 3 hours, without removing batteries.
  • Convenient beam direction adjustment.
  • Three models (Spotlight - L127, Midlight - L128 and Floodlight - L130) come with white light. There are two different white lights you can operate the UVG5 2.0 LED headlight with: a strong “search” white light for use in dark and tight spaces such as pipes and tanks which can run 5 hours continuously and generate 1 200 fc (12000 lux) and a visual inspection white light which can run 19 hours continuously and generate 200 fc (2000 lux).
  • The Midlight (PN: L129) and Floodlight (PN: L131) are models without white light for organizations that do not allow the use of white light during inspections.
  • UVG5 2.0 UV LED headlight has been specifically designed to meet the ASTM E3022-18 and ISO 3059-12 standards as well as requirements set by the PRIMES, including but not limited to ROLLS-ROYCE RRES 90061, AIRBUS AITM6-1001, The Boeing Company, USAF and PRATT & WHITNEY.
Package includes
  • UVG5 2.0 lamp;
  • 4 Batteries (PN: B115),
  • Charging kit for wall outlet and car cigarette outlet (PN: B200),
  • UV-A Goggles (PN: S505),
  • Power Supply Unit to charge without removing batteries (PN: B328).
Code: L130
288 272 руб.
delivery time from 40 to 60 days
Code: L131
288 272 руб.
delivery time from 40 to 60 days
Code: L128
288 272 руб.
delivery time from 40 to 60 days
Code: L129
288 272 руб.
delivery time from 40 to 60 days
Code: L127
288 272 руб.
delivery time from 40 to 60 days
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