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KLEVER 1LUM - luminescent indicator suspension

Price level:
Code: 30612
1 800 руб.
1 800 руб.
900 руб. from 12 pcs.
900 руб.
delivery time to 10 days

Luminescent indicator suspension KLEVER-1LUM for detecting surface and subsurface defects in products, parts and semi-finished products made of ferromagnetic materials during non-destructive testing by the method of magnetic particles in accordance with GOST R 56512-2015 using UV illuminators with a wavelength of 365 nm.

Manufactured in accordance with TU 2374-001-77720383-2015. Complies with GOST R ISO 9934-2-2011, GOST R 56512-2015 and Decisions of the Customs Union Commission No. 299 dated 28.05.2010.

Mode of application

Shake the can thoroughly for several minutes before starting each use. Apply liquid magnetic suspension KLEVER 1 LUM to a clean and dry controlled surface from a distance of 20-25 mm until complete and abundant wetting. The control is carried out by the applied field method or by the method of remanent magnetization.

Package includes
  • aerosol can with a capacity of 500 ml,
  • safety data sheet (per batch),
  • packing (per batch).
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