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Contact thermometer TK-5.04S
on order
Contact thermometer TK-5.04SFor measuring the temperature of liquid, bulk media by direct contact of the probe with the object of measurement. With non-replaceable submersible probe.
TK-5.04S with verification
TK-5.04S without verification
from 11 454 руб.
on order
from 11 454 руб.Explore
Contact thermometer with the function of measuring relative humidity and dew point temperature TK-5.06S
on order
Contact thermometer with the function of measuring relative humidity and dew point temperature TK-5.06SFor measuring the temperature of various media and the relative humidity of the air by direct contact of the probe with the measuring object. Dew point calculation. Replaceable probes.
12 282 руб.
on order
12 282 руб.Buy
Contact thermometer with the function of measuring relative humidity TC-5.09S
on order
Contact thermometer with the function of measuring relative humidity TC-5.09SFor measuring the temperature of various media and the relative humidity of the air by direct contact of the probe with the measuring object. Replaceable probes.
13 110 руб.
on order
13 110 руб.Buy
Contact thermometer TK-5.01S
on order
Contact thermometer TK-5.01SFor measuring the temperature of liquid, bulk media by direct contact of the probe with the object of measurement. With non-replaceable submersible probe.
13 731 руб.
on order
13 731 руб.Buy
Contact thermometer TK-5.01PS
on order
Contact thermometer TK-5.01PSFor measuring the surface temperature of solids by direct contact of the probe with the measuring object. With non-replaceable surface probe.
TK-5.01PS (without verification)
TK-5.01PS (with verification)
from 14 904 руб.
on order
from 14 904 руб.Explore
Contact thermometer TK-5.01PTS
on order
Contact thermometer TK-5.01PTSFor measuring the surface temperature of solids by direct contact of the probe with the measuring object. With non-replaceable surface highly accurate probe.
16 560 руб.
on order
16 560 руб.Buy
Thermohygrometer testo 608-H1
on order
Thermohygrometer testo 608-H1Carries out continuous measurement of humidity, temperature and dew point temperature.
testo 608-H1 (with verification)
testo 608-H1 (without verification)
from 17 157 руб.
on order
from 17 157 руб.Explore
Infrared thermometer testo 830-T2
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Infrared thermometer testo 830-T2Ideal for fast and accurate surface temperature measurement in the HVAC and industrial sectors.
testo 830-T2 (with verification)
testo 830-T2 (without verification)
from 28 015 руб.
on order
from 28 015 руб.Explore
Surface temperature stick testo 905-T2
on order
Surface temperature stick testo 905-T2Professional surface thermometer with a spring-loaded wide thermocouple tip. Measuring range -50 to +350 °C (short-term up to +500 °C).
testo 905-T2 (without verification)
testo 905-T2 (with verification)
from 22 976 руб.
on order
from 22 976 руб.Explore
Thermohygrometer with THC-index calculation TKA-PKM (24)
on order
Thermohygrometer with THC-index calculation TKA-PKM (24)For indoor measurement of relative humidity, air temperature and temperature inside the black ball. Real-time display of parameters: THC and WBGT-indices, wet bulb temperature, dew point, average radiation temperature, thermal radiation flux density.
45 000 руб.
on order
45 000 руб.Buy