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Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 (angled)

Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 (angled)Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 (angled)
Price level:
Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 (angled) 1,5 м
Code: 50215
5 520 руб.
delivery time to 10 days

Coaxial connecting cable Lemo00-Lemo00 (angled) with one angled connector is designed to connect ultrasonic transducers to flaw detectors, thickness gauges, flow meters, etc.

The cable is compatible with all imported and domestic ultrasonic flaw detectors with Lemo00 connectors. For example: Epoch 6LT, USM-GO, USD-50, USD-60, A1212, A1214, UD2-102, UD3-103, etc.

Distinctive features
  • Anti-interference coaxial cable.
  • Connector types Lemo.FFA.00 / Lemo.FCA.00.
Package includes
  • connecting cable 1.5 m long,
  • package,
  • quality certificate (on request)
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* valid only for orders placed on the site, according to the standard templates of contracts and accounts, it is mandatory to accept the Confidentiality Conditions for the information of an individual offer

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