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TKA-PKM (08) - luxmeter & pulsemeter

TKA-PKM (08)TKA-PKM (08)
Price level:
40 500 руб.
delivery time to 10 days

Device TKA-PKM (08) for measuring the pulsation coefficient of illumination created by various randomly located sources, and illumination in the visible region of the spectrum 380 - 760 nm.

Application area
  • sanitary and technical supervision in residential and industrial premises, museums, libraries, archives;
  • assessment of workplaces;
  • other areas of activity.
TKA-PKM (08)

In the measuring head of the luxmeter, a primary radiation converter is installed - a semiconductor silicon photodiode with a system of light filters that form the spectral sensitivity, corresponds to the relative light spectral efficiency V(λ).

The indications of the pulsation coefficient are displayed as a percentage, while the device determines the maximum, minimum and average value of the illumination of the pulsating radiation and calculates the value of the pulsation coefficient of the illumination. The device implements an integral method for calculating the average value of illumination (the sum of all signal counts is divided by their number during the measurement). The readings on the device screen are calculated once per second, while the signal from the photo sensor is digitized at a frequency of 3 kHz, the processor clock frequency is 4 MHz, an active low-pass filter at 1000 Hz is in front of the 12-bit ADC, a digital filter is implemented to suppress "reflections" during digitization .

Distinctive features
  • Automatic range change.
  • The HOLD function has been implemented.
  • Reduced power consumption.
  • Backlit graphic indicator.
  • Possibility of cutting natural background lighting.
  • Implemented a unique opportunity to determine the values of illumination in real time and calculate the exact values of the coefficient of illumination pulsation.
  • Can be connected via a half-duplex synchronous serial interface to a computer or other controller.
Package includes
  • combined device TKA-PKM (08) with verification;
  • alkaline battery type "Krona" (6F22);
  • manual;
  • the passport;
  • bag for the device;
  • transport container.
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