127410, Российская Федерация, Москва, Алтуфьевское ш., д.41А, email: info@expertnk.ru
+7(495) 660 94 49 (многоканальный номер)
8 (800) 250 94 49 (бесплатный для регионов)
  • Certification Of Specialists
  • Laboratory Accreditation
  • NDT Devices & Means
  • Calibration Of NDT Funds

Non-destructive testing laboratory certification area

Non-destructive testing laboratory certification is carried out according to the following objects and non-destructive testing methods:

Objects of control

No.Object name
1.Pressurized equipment
1.1.Steam boilers, including boiler-boilers, as well as autonomous superheaters and economizers
1.2.Hot water and steam water boilers
1.3.Energy technology boilers: steam and hot water, including recovery boilers
1.4.Waste heat boilers
1.5.Boilers for mobile and transportable installations
1.6.Steam and liquid boilers operating with high-temperature organic and inorganic heat carriers (except for water and steam), and the pipeline systems transporting them
1.7.Electric boilers
1.8.Steam and hot water pipelines
1.9.Vessels operating under pressure of steam, gases, liquids
1.10.Cylinders designed for compressed, liquefied and gases dissolved under pressure
1.11.Cisterns and drums for compressed and liquefied gases
1.12.Tanks and vessels for compressed, liquefied gases, liquids and bulk solids, in which excess pressure is created periodically to empty them
1.13.Pressure chambers
2.Gas supply systems (gas distribution)
2.1.Outdoor gas pipelines
2.1.1.External steel pipelines
2.1.2.External gas pipelines made of polyethylene and composite materials
2.2.Internal steel pipelines
2.3.Parts and assemblies, gas equipment
3.Lifting structures
3.1.Hoisting cranes
3.2.Elevators (towers)
3.6.The elevators
3.7.Pipelay cranes
3.8.Loader cranes
3.9.Lifting platforms for disabled people
3.10.Crane tracks
4.Mining industry objects
4.1.Buildings and structures of surface complexes of mines, processing plants, pelletizing factories and sinter plants
4.2.Mine lifting machines
4.3.Mining and transporting and ore dressing equipment
5.Coal industry objects
5.1.Mine lifting machines
5.2.Main ventilation fans
5.3.Mining and transporting and coal preparation equipment
6.Oil and gas industry equipment
6.1.Well drilling equipment
6.2.Well operation equipment
6.3.Well development and workover equipment
6.4.Equipment for gas and oil pumping stations
6.5.Gas and oil product pipelines
6.6.Tanks for oil and oil products
7.Metallurgical industry equipment
7.1.Metal structures of technical devices, buildings and structures
7.2.Process gas pipelines
7.3.Trunnions of cast iron carriers, steel ladles, metal-pouring ladles
8.Equipment for explosion and fire hazardous and chemically hazardous industries
8.1.Equipment for chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries operating under pressure up to 16 MPa
8.2.Equipment for chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries operating under pressure over 16 MPa
8.3.Equipment for chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries operating under vacuum
8.4.Storage tanks for flammable and toxic substances
8.5.Isothermal storage facilities
8.6.Cryogenic equipment
8.7.Equipment for ammonia refrigeration plants
8.9.Compressor and pumping equipment
8.10.Centrifuges, separators
8.11.Tanks, containers (barrels), cylinders for explosive and fire hazardous toxic substances
8.12.Process pipelines, steam and hot water pipelines
9.Objects of railway transport
9.1.Vehicles (tanks, containers), containers, packaging intended for the transportation of hazardous substances
9.2.Non-public access roads
10.Equipment for storage and processing of vegetable raw materials
10.1.Air blowing machines (air turbochargers, turbo blowers)
10.2.Fans (centrifugal, radial, VVD)
10.3.Hammer crushers, roller machines, entolerators
11.Buildings and constructions (construction objects)
11.1.Metal structures (including: Steel structures for bridges)
11.2.Concrete and reinforced concrete constructions
11.3.Stone and reinforced stone constructions
12.Electric power equipment

Methods of non-destructive testing

No.Name of the method
2.1.Ultrasonic flaw detection
2.2.Ultrasonic thickness measurement
3.Acoustic emission
4.1.Magnetic particle
4.4.Hall effect
4.5.Metal magnetic memory
5.Eddy current
6.Penetrating substances
6.1.Penetrating substances: capillary
6.2.Penetrating substances: leak detection
11.Visual and measuring
12.Stress-strain state control
12.4.Eddy current
12.6.Visual and measuring
