127410, Российская Федерация, Москва, Алтуфьевское ш., д.41А, email: info@expertnk.ru
+7(495) 660 94 49 (многоканальный номер)
8 (800) 250 94 49 (бесплатный для регионов)
  • Certification Of Specialists
  • Laboratory Accreditation
  • NDT Devices & Means
  • Calibration Of NDT Funds

Documents for accreditation of the testing laboratory

1.List of documents for accreditation of the testing laboratory
2.Application form (SDA-15-2009, Appendix No. 3)
3.Questionnaire on the readiness of the applicant organization (SDA-15-2009, Annex 4)
