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  • Certification Of Specialists
  • Laboratory Accreditation
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GOST R 56353-2022

Soils. Laboratory methods for determination of dispersed soil dynamic properties

Section: State standards (GOST)

Document: GOST R 56353-2022

GOST R 56353-2022 establishes methods for laboratory determination of dynamic properties of dispersed soils (except for coarse clastic soils) during engineering-geological surveys for construction.

Keywords: dispersed soils, dynamic tests, dynamic triaxial compression, resonant column, torsional shear, simple shear, liquefaction potential, vibration creep, dynamic modulus of deformation, shear modulus

Compliance with areas of accreditation

Included in the scope of accreditation

Destructive & Other Types of Tests:

  • Определения динамических свойств дисперсных грунтов



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