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Connecting cables

Cable 60-Ethernet
in stock
Cable 60-EthernetFor connecting flaw detectors USD-60, USD-60-8K, USD-60N, AD-60K and Vector-60D to a PC via Ethernet.
Cable 60-Ethernet 1 м (Code: 20361)
Cable 60-Ethernet 2 м (Code: 20362)
from 552 руб.
in stock
from 552 руб.Explore
Cable 50-USB
in stock
Cable 50-USB
Code: 20250
For connecting USD-50 flaw detectors to a PC via USB.
504 руб.
in stock
504 руб.Buy
Cable CP50 - Lemo 00
on order
Cable CP50 - Lemo 00For connecting ultrasonic transducers to flaw detectors with a CP-50 connector.
Cable CP50 - Lemo 00 1,0 м (Code: 50235)
Cable CP50 - Lemo 00 1,5 м (Code: 50231)
Cable CP50 - Lemo 00 5 м
from 4 440 руб.
on order
from 4 440 руб.Explore
Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00
on order
Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00For connecting ultrasonic transducers to various flaw detectors, thickness gauges, flow meters, etc.
Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 1,0 м (Code: 50212)
Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 1,2 м (Code: 50213)
Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 1,5 м (Code: 50211)
Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 2,0 m (Code: 50214)
from 4 320 руб.
on order
from 4 320 руб.Explore
Cable 2CP50 - 2Lemo 00
on order
Cable 2CP50 - 2Lemo 00For connecting separate-combined ultrasonic transducers to flaw detectors with CP-50 connectors.
Cable 2CP50 - 2Lemo 00 1,0 м (Code: 50242)
Cable 2CP50 - 2Lemo 00 1,5 м (Code: 50241)
from 8 640 руб.
on order
from 8 640 руб.Explore
Cable 2CP50 - Lemo 00
on order
Cable 2CP50 - Lemo 00For connecting combined single-element transducers to various flaw detectors with CP-50 connectors and without built-in switching of the generator and receiver ports.
Cable 2CP50 - Lemo 00 1,5 m (Code: 50233)
Cable 2CP50 - Lemo 00 1,2 m (Code: 50232)
Cable 2CP50 - Lemo 00 1,8 m (Code: 50236)
from 6 984 руб.
on order
from 6 984 руб.Explore
Cable 2Lemo 00 - 2Lemo 00
on order
Cable 2Lemo 00 - 2Lemo 00For connecting ultrasonic transducers to flaw detectors, thickness gauges, flow meters, etc.
Cable 2Lemo 00 - 2Lemo 00 0.75 m (Code: 50820)
Cable 2Lemo 00 - 2Lemo 00 1,2 м (Code: 50223)
Cable 2Lemo 00 - 2Lemo 00 1,5 м (Code: 50221)
Cable 2Lemo 00 - 2Lemo 00 2.0 m (Code: 50224)
from 8 640 руб.
on order
from 8 640 руб.Explore
Cable BNC - Microdot
on order
Cable BNC - MicrodotFor connecting transducers to flaw detectors, thickness gauges, flow meters, etc.
Cable BNC - Microdot 1,8 м (Code: 50431)
Cable BNC - Microdot 3,0 м (Code: 50432)
from 4 950 руб.
on order
from 4 950 руб.Explore
Cable Lemo 00 - Microdot
on order
Cable Lemo 00 - MicrodotFor connecting ultrasonic transducers to flaw detectors, thickness gauges, flow meters, etc.
Cable Lemo 00 - Microdot 1.5 m (Code: 51452)
Cable Lemo 00 - Microdot 1,8 м (Code: 51451)
from 4 260 руб.
on order
from 4 260 руб.Explore
Cable CP50 - CP50
on order
Cable CP50 - CP50For connecting combined ultrasonic transducers to flaw detectors with a SR-50 connector.
Cable CP50 - CP50 1,5 м (Code: 50219)
Cable CP50 - CP50 3 м (Code: 50217)
Cable CP50 - CP50 5 м (Code: 50218)
Cable CP50 - CP50 20 м (Code: 50710)
from 4 752 руб.
on order
from 4 752 руб.Explore
Cable 2Lemo 00 - Lemo 00
on order
Cable 2Lemo 00 - Lemo 00For connecting combined ultrasonic transducers to flaw detectors that do not have an internal switch between the generator output and the receiver input.
Cable 2Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 1,5 м (Code: 50251)
Cable 2Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 2.0 m
from 5 940 руб.
on order
from 5 940 руб.Explore
Cable BNC - Lemo 00
on order
Cable BNC - Lemo 00For connecting transducers to flaw detectors with connectors with BNC connectors.
Cable BNC - Lemo 00 1,5 м (Code: 51231)
Cable BNC - Lemo 00 3.0 m (Code: 51232)
from 3 630 руб.
on order
from 3 630 руб.Explore
Cable Lemo 1S 250 - Lemo 00
on order
Cable Lemo 1S 250 - Lemo 00For connecting transducers to various flaw detectors, thickness gauges, flow meters, etc.
5 976 руб.
on order
5 976 руб.Buy
Cable F46USB
on order
Cable F46USB
Code: 20246
For connecting flaw detector UD2V-P46 (TFT) to PC USB port. Length 1.5 m.
2 100 руб.
on order
2 100 руб.Buy
Cable 2BNC - 2Lemo 00
on order
Cable 2BNC - 2Lemo 00For connecting transducers to flaw detectors, thickness gauges, flow meters, etc.
Cable 2BNC - 2Lemo 00 1.2 m (Code: 50540)
Cable 2BNC - 2Lemo 00 1.5 m (Code: 50541)
Cable 2BNC - 2Lemo 00 7.5 m (for GE PT868, PT878) (Code: 50547)
from 7 200 руб.
on order
from 7 200 руб.Explore
Cable FD46RS
on order
Cable FD46RS
Code: 20146
For connection to RS232 computer port of Vector, VD-10A, UDT-40, UD2N-PM, UD2V-P46 devices.
1 947 руб.
on order
1 947 руб.Buy
Cable CP50 - Lemo 00 (angled)
on order
Cable CP50 - Lemo 00 (angled)For connecting ultrasonic transducers to flaw detectors with a SR-50 connector.
4 752 руб.
on order
4 752 руб.Buy
Cable LCLPD-78-5
on order
Cable LCLPD-78-5
Code: U8800332
For connecting dual transducers to Olympus thickness gauges.
53 330 руб.
on order
53 330 руб.Buy
Cable LCU-74-6W
on order
Cable LCU-74-6W
Code: U8800365
For connecting transducers to Olympus instruments. Waterproof.
26 624 руб.
on order
26 624 руб.Buy
Cable 2BNC - Lemo 00
on order
Cable 2BNC - Lemo 00For connecting combined transducers to flaw detectors that do not have an internal program switch between the generator output and the receiver input.
Cable 2BNC - Lemo 00 1.2 m (Code: 50531)
Cable 2BNC - Lemo 00 1,5 м (Code: 50533)
from 5 940 руб.
on order
from 5 940 руб.Explore
Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 (angled)
on order
Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 (angled)For connecting ultrasonic transducers to flaw detectors, thickness gauges, flow meters, etc.
4 800 руб.
on order
4 800 руб.Buy
Cable Lemo 00 (angled) - Lemo 00 (angled)
on order
Cable Lemo 00 (angled) - Lemo 00 (angled)For connecting ultrasonic transducers to flaw detectors, thickness gauges, flow meters, etc.
5 400 руб.
on order
5 400 руб.Buy
Cable BNC - Microdot (angled)
on order
Cable BNC - Microdot (angled)For connecting transducers to flaw detectors, thickness gauges, flow meters, etc.
5 160 руб.
on order
5 160 руб.Buy
Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 armored
on order
Cable Lemo 00 - Lemo 00 armoredPossesses the increased temperature resistance, the increased load capacity and resistance to attrition.
6 840 руб.
on order
6 840 руб.Buy
Cable 2BNC - 2Microdot
on order
Cable 2BNC - 2MicrodotFor connecting transducers to flaw detectors, thickness gauges, flow meters, etc.
Cable 2BNC - 2Microdot 1.2 m (Code: 51477)
Cable 2BNC - 2Microdot 1.8 m (Code: 51476)
from 7 980 руб.
on order
from 7 980 руб.Explore
Cable connecting to ultrasonic hardness testers TKM-459
on order
Cable connecting to ultrasonic hardness testers TKM-459Connects the electronic unit of the TKM-459 hardness tester with the ultrasonic sensor. Length - 1040 mm.
8 932 руб.
on order
8 932 руб.Buy
Cable Lemo B6 - Lemo 00
on order
Cable Lemo B6 - Lemo 00For connecting eddy current transducers with Lemo 00 connector to VECTOR series eddy current flaw detectors or AD-50K acoustic flaw detectors.
Cable Lemo B6 - Lemo 00 (1.0 m) (Code: 63166)
Cable Lemo B6 - Lemo 00 (1.5 m) (Code: 63188)
from 12 000 руб.
on order
from 12 000 руб.Explore
Cable 2Lemo 1S 275-2Lemo 00 armored
on order
Cable 2Lemo 1S 275-2Lemo 00 armoredPossesses the increased temperature resistance, the increased load capacity and resistance to attrition.
15 000 руб.
on order
15 000 руб.Buy
Armored cable 2Lemo 00 - 2Lemo 00
on order
Armored cable 2Lemo 00 - 2Lemo 00Possesses the increased temperature resistance, the increased load capacity and resistance to attrition.
12 000 руб.
on order
12 000 руб.Buy
USB-RS232 adapter
in stock
USB-RS232 adapter
Code: 20147
Adapter for connecting devices with an RS232 port to a USB port.
2 788 руб.
in stock
2 788 руб.Buy
Adapter L8CP50
on order
Adapter L8CP50
Code: 61522
For connecting a separate-combined impedance transducer RSP-60 to low-frequency flaw detectors USD-60N and UD2N-PM.
12 000 руб.
on order
12 000 руб.Buy
Adapter CP50-Lemo00 "male"/"female"
on order
Adapter CP50-Lemo00 "male"/"female"
Code: 50620
Adapter for connecting Lemo00 cables to devices with CP50 connectors.
4 440 руб.
on order
4 440 руб.Buy
Adapter CP50-Lemo00 "male"/"female" 0.15 m
on order
Adapter CP50-Lemo00 "male"/"female" 0.15 m
Code: 50621
Adapter for connecting Lemo00 cables to devices with CP50 connectors.
4 440 руб.
on order
4 440 руб.Buy