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Light meters and radiometers

Luxmeter TKA-LUX
on order
Luxmeter TKA-LUXLuxmeter for measuring illumination in the visible region of the spectrum, created by artificial or natural sources.
18 510 руб.
on order
18 510 руб.Buy
Set of UV-radiometer and photometer Meter Set Standard
in stock
Set of UV-radiometer and photometer Meter Set Standard
Code: M405
Set of UV-radiometer and photometer in a carrying case.
271 194 руб.
in stock
271 194 руб.Buy
Luxmeter & UV-radiometer TKA-PKM (06)
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Luxmeter & UV-radiometer TKA-PKM (06)Luxmeter and UV-radiometer for measuring illumination in the visible region of the spectrum 380 - 760 nm and energy illumination in the region of the UV spectrum 280 - 400 nm.
53 010 руб.
on order
53 010 руб.Buy
UV-radiometer TKA-PKM (12)
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UV-radiometer TKA-PKM (12)UV-radiometer for measuring irradiance in the UV-C, UV-B and UV-A spectrum.
90 000 руб.
on order
90 000 руб.Buy
Luxmeter & brightness meter TKA-PKM (02)
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Luxmeter & brightness meter TKA-PKM (02)Люксметр и яркомер для измерения освещённости в видимой области спектра 380 - 760 нм и яркости протяжённых объектов.
25 950 руб.
on order
25 950 руб.Buy
Thermohygrometer & luxmeter TKA-PKM (43)
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Thermohygrometer & luxmeter TKA-PKM (43)Luxmeter and thermohygrometer for indoor measurement of environmental parameters: illumination in the visible region of the spectrum 380 - 760 nm, air temperature and relative air humidity.
33 000 руб.
on order
33 000 руб.Buy
Anemometer & thermohygrometer & luxmeter & UV-radiometer TKA-PKM (62)
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Anemometer & thermohygrometer & luxmeter & UV-radiometer TKA-PKM (62)Luxmeter, UV-radiometer, anemometer and thermohygrometer for measuring irradiance in the spectral range 280 - 400 nm, UV-A and UV-B, air velocity, relative humidity and air temperature.
79 980 руб.
on order
79 980 руб.Buy
Luxmeter & pulsemeter TKA-PKM (08)
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Luxmeter & pulsemeter TKA-PKM (08)A device for measuring the pulsation coefficient of illumination generated by various arbitrarily spatially located sources, and illumination in the visible region of the spectrum 380 - 760 nm.
40 500 руб.
on order
40 500 руб.Buy
Radiometer/photometer Apollo 1.0 Standart Kit
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Radiometer/photometer Apollo 1.0 Standart Kit
Code: M500
Set of UV-radiometer and photometer with wireless sensor unit and transport case.
197 778 руб.
on order
197 778 руб.Buy
Radiometer/photometer Apollo 1.0 Double KIT
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Radiometer/photometer Apollo 1.0 Double KIT
Code: M501
Set of UV-radiometer and photometer with two wireless sensor units and a carrying case.
298 179 руб.
on order
298 179 руб.Buy