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  • Certification Of Specialists
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  • NDT Devices & Means
  • Calibration Of NDT Funds

Fuji IX150 - рентгеновская пленка

Fuji IX150Fuji IX150
Price level: Retail
Retailcheckout at the office;
Online Starter*entry level benefits;
Online 1..5*five steps:
more orders - more benefits;
Online Wholesale*maximum benefit;
Online VIP*individual discount.

* valid only for orders placed on the site, according to the standard templates of contracts and accounts, it is mandatory to accept the Confidentiality Conditions for the information of an individual offer

Fuji IX150 NIF 30x40
  • без бумажных прокладок;
  • 100 листов.
96 240 руб.
delivery time from 10 to 15 days
Replacement equipment
X-ray film Тасма РТ-1 24x30
on order
X-ray film Тасма РТ-1 24x30High sensitivity. For radiographic inspection of large-diameter pipes of main oil and gas pipelines, parts and assemblies, thick cast products, reinforced concrete and heavy structures.
price on request
on order
To Order
price on requestTo Order
X-ray film Тасма РТ-1 30х40
on order
X-ray film Тасма РТ-1 30х40High sensitivity. For radiographic inspection of large-diameter pipes of main oil and gas pipelines, parts and assemblies, thick cast products, reinforced concrete and heavy structures.
53 348 руб.
on order
53 348 руб.Buy
X-ray film Tasma РТ-1B 30x40 cm
on order
X-ray film Tasma РТ-1B 30x40 cmHighly sensitive radiographic technical film, sensitivity not less than 35 p-1. For radiographic inspection of large-diameter pipes of main oil and gas pipelines, parts and assemblies, thick cast products, reinforced concrete and heavy structures.
58 265 руб.
on order
58 265 руб.Buy

Рентгеновская пленка Fuji IX150 - пленка 3 класса по ASTM с высокой чувствительностью, мелким зерном и высоким контрастом, применяется для контроля самых разных объектов с использованием источников рентгеновского и гамма-излучения высокой и низкой активности.

Fuji IX150 используется для контроля очень толстых образцов или в случае, когда не доступен высокоактивный источник излучения:

  • тяжелые стальные детали разной толщины;
  • изделия из бетона со стальной арматурой;
  • выдержка с изотопами с низким значением в кюри и слабым излучением.

Может использоваться с прямым экспонированием или со свинцовыми экранами.

Аналог Agfa Structurix D8 и Тасма РТ-1.

Виды упаковок
  • NIF - упаковка по 100 листов без бумажных прокладок, самый экономичный вид упаковки.
Distinctive features
  • Высокое качество изображения подтвержденное Российскими сертификатами и отзывами заказчиков.
  • Стабильность параметров различных партий пленки.
  • Высокая однородность оптической плотности.
Package includes
  • NIF 10x40 см (100 листов);
  • упаковка без бумажных прокладок, самый экономичный вид упаковки.
Technical Data
Compliance with industry standards
Quality classification according to ISO 11699T4
Quality classification according to EN 584-1C6
Qualitative characteristics
Signal to noise ratio, G/σd112
Sensitivity, R-117,0
Granularity factor, σD0,035
Contrast ratio G at D=46,20
Contrast ratio G at D=23,90

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ALFA A135 developer
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ALFA A135 developer
Code: 76H801
Developer for automatic processing of X-ray films of any brand, both imported and domestic. Consists of two components (5 l of component A, 250 ml of component B).
5 500 руб.
in stock
5 500 руб.Buy
ALFA R128 developer
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ALFA R128 developer
Code: 76H803
Single-component, liquid developer for manual processing of industrial X-ray films of any brand, both imported and domestic.
4 900 руб.
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4 900 руб.Buy
Fixative ALFA A335
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Fixative ALFA A335
Code: 76H802
Fixer for automatic processing of X-ray films of any brand, both imported and domestic. Consists of two components (5 l of component A, 650 ml of component B)
5 500 руб.
in stock
5 500 руб.Buy
Fixative ALFA R328
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Fixative ALFA R328
Code: 76H804
Single-component, liquid fixer for manual processing of industrial X-ray films of any brand, both imported and domestic. Concentrate for 20 liters of working solution.
4 900 руб.
in stock
4 900 руб.Buy
Photolamp EXPERT NK
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Photolamp EXPERT NK
Code: 76Р403
Unique LED photolight for X-ray films.
3 500 руб.
in stock
3 500 руб.Buy
Led negatoscope НС-10В
in stock
Led negatoscope НС-10В
Code: 76Р402
A negatoscope for viewing and decoding X-ray films with a density of 4.5 B.
from 46 000 руб.
from 39 000 руб.
in stock
from 46 000 руб.
from 39 000 руб.

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