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TKM-459M - ultrasonic hardness tester

NPP "Mashproekt"
Price level:
92 976 руб.
delivery time to 10 days

The TKM-459M ultrasonic hardness tester is a high-precision device for prompt measurement of the hardness of metals and metal products. The TKM-459M hardness tester realizes measurements in the main standardized hardness scales - HRC, HB, HV and according to the reference scales HRA, HRB, HSh and σ0 (tensile strength at break of structural carbon steels of the pearlite class by automatic recalculation according to GOST 22791-77). It is used for non-destructive testing of objects in various industries: metallurgy, machine building, aircraft building, shipbuilding, nuclear, oil and gas and others.

The TKM-459M device is intended for use in field, workshop and laboratory conditions. The principle of operation of the hardness tester is based on the method of measuring the ultrasonic contact impedance UСI.

Ultrasonic hardness tester TKM-459M performs hardness control:

  • carbon and structural steels,
  • surface-hardened products (carburizing, nitriding, hardening with high frequency current, etc.),
  • heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, stainless and other steels,
  • electroplated coatings (chromium), surfacing,
  • products of complex configuration (gear teeth, shafts),
  • thin-walled and small-sized products,
  • products made of fine-grained materials in the local study of the properties of materials.
Distinctive features
  • Stable readings regardless of the force and time of pressing the sensor to the controlled surface.
  • Hardness measurement in hard-to-reach places - the spatial position of the probe does not affect the measurement result.
  • Ultra-small area of ​​the control zone - from 1 mm.
  • Inspection in grooves and blind holes - from 5 mm.
  • Almost invisible imprint on "mirror" surfaces.
  • Low sensitivity to surface curvature, thickness and weight of the product.
  • There is a notification about the measurement result going beyond the set limits.
  • The intuitive interface complies with the world standards of computing technology and is organized according to the "PLUG AND WORK" principle.
  • The large graphic display functions even at subzero temperatures, allowing you to clearly see the readings in any light.
  • Flexible memory organization for recording measurement results and subsequent analysis.
  • Prompt correction of instrument readings by one or 2 exemplary test blocks.
  • Programming:
    • additional calibrations to the hardness tester scales using no more than 2 control samples;
    • additional scales using from 2 to 10 control samples.
Package includes
  • electronic unit of the TKM-459M hardness tester;
  • sensor type A (standard sensor, load - 50N);
  • connecting cable to hardness testers of the TKM-459 series;
  • battery (pre-installed);
  • charger;
  • operation manual (combined with the passport);
  • verification certificate (or a mark in the passport);
  • USB cable for PC connection;
  • software on CD;
  • cover and cuff for fixing the hardness tester on the chest (arm);
  • bag for carrying and storage.
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